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  Work with MySQL character set and collation

For non-English websites, they often have to deal with character set and collation if they want to store data to and read data from databases with other languages. Character set tells the database which kind of character encoding scheme to use to store or read data, collation can be simply understood as a subset of character set, it tells the database how to sort data. We talk about working with character set and collation of MySQL today.  In MySQL, if we want to store Chinese, Japanese or ...

   MySQL,character set,collation,Chinese,question mark     2012-06-17 07:07:28

  Samsung Overtakes Apple as World’s Biggest Smartphone Seller

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Samsung Electronics Co. overtook Apple Inc. in the last quarter to become the world’s largest smartphone vendor amid a widening technology and legal battle between the two companies.Samsung shipped 27.8 million smartphones in the last quarter, taking 23.8 percent of the market, Milton Keynes, U.K.- based Strategy Analytics said in an e-mailed statement today. Apple’s 17.1 million shipments, comprising 14.6 percent of the market, pushed the Cupertino, Californ...

   Samsung,Apple,Samrtphone,Overtake,Samsung No. 1     2011-10-28 10:18:12

  5 Must See HTML5 Sites

With the release of the iPad, HTML5 technology has recently come into the spotlight.  The format that will likely kill Adobe’s Flash is a lot of fun to use, but we’ve  not seen much of it yet. The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the iPad is in your hands to see what HTML5 can do.  If you have a compatible browser, there are already a wealth of sites that show off the capabilities. First, make sure that you have a browser that is capable of ...

   HTML5,Web,Website,Demo     2011-07-01 11:24:44

  20 Database Design Best Practices

Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID ...).Use singular for table names (i.e. use StudentCourse instead of StudentCourses). Table represents a collection of entities, there is no need for plural names.Don’t use spaces for table names. Otherwise you will have to use ‘{‘, ‘[‘, ‘“’ etc. characters to define tables (i.e. for accesing table Student Course you'll write “Student Cour...

   Database design,20 tips,Well defined name,Design pattern     2012-02-07 12:10:48

  Pair Programming Stereotypes

Over the last couple of years, I’ve done a lot of pair programming. Pair programming inside my team, at customer sites, in coding dojos and in my open source projects. Pair programming is really a great and effective experience when performed by an pair of developers knowing how to pair program. Unfortunately, you cannot just put two developers in front of a single computer and expect them to perform perfectly from the start. Pair programming has to be learned. Both developers need to...

   Code programming,Pair gramming,Sterotype     2012-02-29 05:09:14

  Set Real-Time Clock Unit for OT/IoT Device

Configure DS1307 RTC on BeagleBone-Black Arduino or Raspberry-PI Figure-00: Project Overview Diagram , version v0.1.2 (2024) Program Design Purpose: Real-Time Clock (RTC) modules are essential for maintaining accurate timekeeping in various applications, including system clocks, data logging, and alarm systems. In scenarios where devices operate offline, such as a ship's NMEA 0183 data recorder that logs engine and rudder data, or an RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) with real time state change config...

       2024-08-18 03:09:06

  Square bracket in checkbox name

0down votefavorite i have a form with checkboxes like this:    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"1\" />Fast Food<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"2\" />Table Service<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"3\" />Cafeteria<br> when i use the brackets in the name (type[]), my php works:    $type=$_POST[\'type\'];    echo \"types are:\";for ( $counter...

   Square bracket,PHP,JavaScript,Array of n     2011-03-22 10:32:40

  Notes on Programming in C

Introduction       Kernighan and Plauger's The Elements of Programming Style was an important and rightly influential book.  But sometimes I feel its concise rules were taken as a cookbook approach to good style instead of the succinct expression of a philosophy they were meant to be.  If the book claims that variable names should be chosen meaningfully, doesn't it then follow that variables whose names are small essays on their use are even better?  Isn't MaximumV...

   C,Notes,Tips     2011-12-09 07:55:47

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in my ca...

   C,Bug,Stupid,Bug code,All     2011-08-26 02:37:29

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Tricks and tips

Just like other software configuration, there would be issues encountered during the OpenLDAP proxy setup process. In this post, we would try to summarize some of the tricks and tips for OpenLDAP proxy setup. OpenLDAP Version We would always recommend that you install the latest version of the OpenLDAP because they contain the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. You should always refer to the latest release notes for new changes. In case you have used an earlier version of Open...